Ph.D. in Applied Geology (2 Options)

After completing the 60 credits from the prescribed examination of course(s) and the Ph.D comprehensive examination, the Ph.D candidate shall conduct original research, write and successfully defend a doctoral dissertation under conditions fixed by Senate. The candidate shall satisfy any other requirements of post-graduate studies as may be duly approved for by the Faculty of Science.

Duration: 3 years

: Candidates for the Ph.D. Programmes shall satisfy the conditions as stipulated in the General Regulations of the Faculty of Science/Postgraduate School of the University of Bamenda, for example, candidates must: i) Hold a good Master Degree in Geology, Geophysics and other relevant Geoscience discipline of the University of Bamenda or other Universities approved by Senate, ii) Submit a Ph.D project proposal acceptable to the Departmental Scientific Board. However, the Department reserves the right to conduct a selection test and/or interview when deemed necessary. Depending on the background of a candidate and the specialty sort for, it may be necessary to prescribe remedial courses at lower levels but the total credit value must not exceed twelve (12) at the time of first registration of the candidate. Relevant courses obtained by a candidate at the M.Sc. level with less than a ‘B’ grade will be repeated. OPTIONS: a. Petroleum Geoscience. b. Economic Geology and Petrology.